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Second Atlanta DUI Driver's License Suspensions

Second Atlanta DUI Driver's License Suspension

If you have been arrested for your second DUI in Georgia, you are unfortunately familiar with the criminal process. You are likely familiar that you face both administrative action as well as criminal proceedings. You may also be aware that the law takes a second DUI much more seriously than a first-time DUI. In addition to possible jail time, heavy fines and fees, license suspension, and DUI school that came with a first DUI, the second DUI will extend those penalties, include more restrictions, and impose additional punishments. If you did not hire an experienced Georgia lawyer who has focused their career on DUI defense, it is even more important with a second DUI to make sure you have professional representation.

With a first-time DUI, most people who do not hire a lawyer to fight their Administrative License Suspension (ALS) will end up with a license suspension of from 30 days, up to a year. For people who submitted to a chemical test after their first DUI, they may have been able to obtain a limited driving permit which allows certain driving trips during their suspension. This is usually limited to trips to and from work, to and from school, or driving during the course of employment. However, a second DUI imposes stricter limits on a person's ability to drive.

Second DUI License Penalties

For anyone convicted of their second DUI within five years, their license will be suspended for a minimum of 18 months. For the first 4 months (120 days), that means no driving. If caught driving on a suspended license, the driver will face additional penalties. After waiting out the hard 120 day suspension, an individual may try and get a limited permit if they are in an approved, mandatory treatment program. However, a limited driving permit must be approved by a judge. The limited driving permit will not allow a driver to go wherever they want, but is limited, often only to and from work or school.

In addition to the limited driving permit, the driver must have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed on their vehicles for at least 8 months, renewable for another 6. After that additional time, a driver can apply for a limited driving permit, but without the IID. They will still only be able to driver for limited purposes. After a minimum of 18 months, assuming all other requirements were completed, a driver may pay the Department of Driver Services the license reinstatement fee, and get their license back.

If an individual gets their second DUI in more than 5, but less than 10 years, then DDS will treat the suspension as though it was a first time offense. With their license suspended for a minimum of 120 days, up to one year. A limited driving permit will be available, and upon completion of DUI school, a driver waiting out the suspension can apply to DDS for license reinstatement.

Atlanta Second DUI Lawyer

License suspension for a first DUI can be cleared up in a matter of months, but a suspension for conviction of a second DUI will take more than a year. But just because you got arrested for a 2nd DUI does not mean you have to be convicted. As an experienced and skilled Atlanta DUI defense lawyer, I understand how to investigate DUI cases, and give my clients every possible defense. Don't risk long-term loss of your ability to drive. Call me today, so we can discuss what happened in your case, and how we will fight to keep your license and defend your rights.

Call Us 24 Hours a Day

We have a line that will be answered any time, day or night. If you have been arrested for DUI and are facing arraignment at 8:00am tomorrow, or if you are anywhere else in the judicial process, contact the Office of Richard Lawson as soon as possible. Call Us 24 Hours a Day: (404) 800-5810