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Can I Go To Jail For My First DUI In Atlanta?

First Atlanta DUI Penalties

The State of Georgia treats any DUI seriously, even a first-time DUI. Over the years, state lawmakers have increased the penalties associated with DUIs. As a result, even first DUI convictions have a possibility of jail time. A conviction for a DUI can land you in jail even if you've never had any previous arrests or convictions, and never even had a speeding ticket. Because of the significant penalties associated with any Georgia DUI, you need to take a DUI arrest seriously, and consider the options you have, and the possible consequences.

The penalties for a 1st DUI conviction are harsh. In addition to having a criminal record, a the penalties include:

  • Jail time from 10 days up to 1 year;
  • Fines of up to $1,000;
  • Minimum of 40 hours of community service;
  • Completion of a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program;
  • Clinical evaluation, and if recommended, completion of a substance abuse treatment program;
  • Probation up to 1 year; and
  • Suspended driver's license for 1 year.

This does not mean that you will be spending a year in jail for a first DUI, but it is possible. In most cases, a first-time DUI will not result in major jail time, but there is a minimum of 24 hour jail time if the driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was over the legal limit of 0.08 percent. For most driver's only 2 or 3 drinks will put them over the legal limit.

A judge can sentence a driver to a year in jail, but they may suspend the sentence and have the year sentence served on probation. Probation does not mean that the driver is totally in the clear, there are conditions to probation, and if those conditions are not met, then the driver can end up in jail, and could potentially stay there for longer than their initial sentence. Probation conditions could include DUI school, evaluation and treatment, drug or alcohol tests, and avoiding certain people or places.

Atlanta First DUI Lawyer

Make sure you understand the penalties associated with a DUI conviction. After talking to a qualified DUI lawyer, you may find that you have a good chance of having all charges dismissed, so you can keep a clean record, and keep you license to drive. Even a first-time DUI arrest is a serious matter, and keeping a criminal DUI conviction off your record is worth fighting for. If you are convicted, not only can you go to jail, you will go to jail for a minimum of 24 hours. Even if you aren't in jail for a year, you may be on probation for a year, and have to abide by the terms of probation for a year. With so much more at stake after an Atlanta DUI, you need a skilled Georgia DUI defense lawyer with experience representing people charged with driving under the influence. I exclusively handle DUI cases in Atlanta and the North Georgia region. Don't risk a criminal record and loss of your driver's license. Call me anytime 24/7, so we can get started to keep you out of jail, and save your license.

Call Us 24 Hours a Day

We have a line that will be answered any time, day or night. If you have been arrested for DUI and are facing arraignment at 8:00am tomorrow, or if you are anywhere else in the judicial process, contact the Office of Richard Lawson as soon as possible. Call Us 24 Hours a Day: (404) 800-5810