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Municipal Court Mandated DUI Community Service

Atlanta Court Mandated Community Service

Most people who get a DUI understand that there may be fines and even jail time involved if they get convicted. But in addition, the court may impose a number of other requirements of probation, including mandatory community service. For a first-time DUI conviction, you may be required to perform 40 hours of community service. For a second DUI, that jumps to 30 days of community service.

Even though you may have to take time out of your schedule to do community service, it can be a rewarding experience, and give you a chance to help out in your community. However, before you chose where to do community service, make sure it will satisfy the court mandated requirements.

In most cases, mandatory community service must be done at a registered non-profit organization. Some courts offer guidance for approved community service organizations. Other sites, such as Hands On Atlanta, offer resources for finding opportunities for court-ordered community service hours. Once you search for a volunteer opportunity, you may be able sign up online, or “express interest,” where the organization will contact you directly.

Examples of volunteer opportunities include inventory assistance with a charitable organization, delivering meals, working in a thrift store, trail maintenance for the National Park Service, and even working with horses. Inform the organization you choose that you are seeking to complete court-ordered community service hours for a DUI offense.

If they accept you, document all your time with the organization, including dates and times. After doing community service, have an organization official verify your hours. You should make sure the organization will provide a letter to the court that you completed your community service hours.

Participation in some DUI programs can count towards community service hours. The Fulton County DUI Court Program is a 24-month supervised treatment program for people who have multiple DUI convictions. This includes weekly attendance at 12 Steps or community support group meetings. Each of the four phases of the program provides for a credit of 40 hours towards community service obligations.

If you have been arrested for a DUI, you do not need to wait until the court hearing before doing community service. In many cases, having completed community service first will be a way to show the court that you are taking the matter seriously. Your DUI lawyer may be able to use this to help negotiate on your behalf.

Atlanta DUI Lawyer

The penalties associated with a DUI include more than just fines and fees, you also have to spend hours completing community service. Before doing your community service, make sure it will satisfy the court's requirements. Your DUI lawyer can advise you on what kind of volunteer work will qualify. Contact an experienced Atlanta DUI defense lawyer to discuss your case, and the possible penalties involved. You may have a number of defenses available. Call me today so we can talk about what happened when you were arrested, and I will fight for you so that your arrest does not lead to a conviction.

Call Us 24 Hours a Day

We have a line that will be answered any time, day or night. If you have been arrested for DUI and are facing arraignment at 8:00am tomorrow, or if you are anywhere else in the judicial process, contact the Office of Richard Lawson as soon as possible. Call Us 24 Hours a Day: (404) 800-5810